l.s. lowry photo
L.S. Lowry

L.S. Lowry

Investing In The Volatile World Of Art

Investing in art can be a big commitment, depending on the budget you're working with. With no way to guarantee an appreciation in value of a piece, you may lose the money you put into it. It's important to make sure you know what you're getting in to before you get too far into it.

Before you decide to invest in it, ensure it's something you know about. Ask yourself whether you just like art, or you merely want to make some money from it. You ought to know much about both past and current trends. Knowing about the artwork can have a significant impact on your rate of return, because it gives you a better understanding of how to look for quality piece.

One good idea is to do a bit of research before making your first big investment. Shows on paintings will give you a better understanding of what's popular at that time. They usually have not only frequent show attendees you can talk to, but magazines as well. Try to pick up a couple at each gallery you attend. The section on artworks of most newspapers could be a good resource when used properly.

Both shows and museums are a good place to find your taste, if you're not quite sure what you'll like. At museums, you won't feel pressured to buy, and you'll get to see plenty of variation. Shows can be a little more high pressure, depending on the people running it, so make sure if you buy something, you actually like it. Alternatively, go without a cheque book and limited cash so you're not tempted to make a purchase.

Market fluctuations depend on both public opinion of the artist and quality of the piece. While a few good reviews may be an indicator of a good investment, it's definitely not a guarantee of one. You never know, the piece you picked up from the artist nobody knew about may become more valuable than the expensive piece of someone previously more popular. Shifting opinions can even have an effect on similar artists' popularity, so diversify in the works you buy.

Since these opinions have a tendency to shift frequently, it can be incredibly hard to predict the market with any accuracy. Art is not a linear investment. This is why it's so important to purchase something you actually like. This way, if the value goes down, it won't have been a complete waste.

By going to auctions, you can discover up-and-coming artists at their budding state. If a name is becoming more and more frequently used, they may be trending soon. These are usually fairly sound investments, at least for the short term.

Basically, if you think it's worth the risk, or if you simply love artwork and want to know if it will ever pay off, putting money into it is probably right for you. By keeping an eye on the opinions of artists and market trends, you can make money investing in art. With the volatility of their resale values, you'd better make sure you like the pieces you buy.

David Tatham, fine picture dealer for more than quarter of a century, has an extensive knowledge of the biography L.S.Lowry. Signed, prints and drawings can be seen and purchased from the Lowry signed prints website.

LSLowry died aged 88 in 1976 just months before a retrospective exhibition of his paintings opened at the Royal Academy. It broke all attendance records for a twentieth century artist. Critical opinion about Lowry remains divided to this day. Salford Museum & Art Gallery began collecting the artist's work in 1936 and gradually built up the collection which is now at the heart of the award-winning building bearing the artist's name. Celebrating his art and transforming the cityscape again. A small quantity of paintings by the artist l.s. lowry were published as signed limited edition prints. Some of the most well known being, 'Going to the match', Man lying on a wall, Huddersfield, Deal, ferry boats, three cats Alstow, Berwick-on-Tweed, peel park, The two brothers, View of a town, Street scene.

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The work of Mr L.S. Lowry has become of great artistic and financial importance of recent years. A selection of his prints and drawings can be viewed and bought here
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